Full-Body Alfa Regulation Thermography

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What Doctors are Saying About Alfa-Regulation Thermography
"I am a Nuclear Medicine Physician and Radiologist and have been utilizing the technology for adjunct diagnostics called Regulation Thermometry (RT). Dr. Dan Beilin had introduced me to the technology over ten years ago and I have compared its capabilities and found RT to be complementary with giving as much information about certain diagnostic criteria as other devices I use such as CT and MRI, as well as X-Ray, besides functional imaging in nuclear medicine.
Dr. Beilin's expertise in this field is paramount to my facilitation, understanding and use of this device. I have introduced this device to a number of my colleagues who have responded with support for its value in the pathway to evaluate several complex illnesses that contribute to known disease manifestations."
"Regulation Thermometry allows me to identify and address underlying factors that play a role in women’s health, - especially breast health. This technology observes organ physiology dynamically and enables us to accurately address and target priority systems. We can then see our therapeutic results, so both patient and physician have access to the efficacy of their treatment choices. The benefits of Regulation Thermometry are spread through word of mouth and the technology has proven itself to provide a calling to those who would like both preventive and highly effective strategies to health." - DAWNA JONES, MD
"I have used Regulation Thermography/thermometry in my hospital for the last 20 years. The AlfaSight was surprisingly a jump ahead in its inclusion of artificial intelligence that allowed my staff and I to more accurately determine which patients needed particular therapies over other therapies, and our success rate improved substantially. I highly recommend this system to every integrative medicine clinic as well as to be used in the future of conventional medicine."
"Regulation Thermometry integrates and deepens the understanding I achieve when I use my Infrared Camera system on the breast. I can see distant influences and focal infections that can’t be seen by any other method. I strongly endorse the AlfaSIght 9000 for any clinic, using with or without infrared camera systems."
"It's an amazing device. It clearly reveals many underlying relationships between organs and tissues and leads to more effective therapy strategies.. It’s one of the best investments I have every made."
More Information about Full-Body Alfa Regulation Thermography (FBART)
The President of IMAT (International Medical Academy of Thermography) Germany, Petra Blum commented,
“FBART has helped us get a different view of the attributes of disease development. This technology has facilitated knowledge regarding early metabolic and cellular dysfunction that plays a role in the rise of disruption that most likely results in disease.
FBART made it possible for us to see what the body is doing prior to becoming dysfunctional to the point that it generates an irreversible problem”.
A study done in Stuttgart, Germany, headed by an oncology physician and Professor Wagner, involved the participation of 70 women all diagnosed with breast cancer. Out of 63 women, 61 underwent a FBART (computerized regulation thermography) scan, mammogram, and clinical examination, 48 were given a mammogram and a clinical examination, and 34 were merely clinically examined by a doctor. The results of the study showed that a clinical examination alone led to an accuracy rate of 54% in diagnosis, while the inclusion of mammography boosted that rate to 76%, and the addition of FBART boosted the accuracy further to a rate of 96%.
It is shown in research that small tumors usually tend to have greater heat increases compared to bigger ones. Long-term follow-up indicates that thermograms can give us an initial glimpse of the development of a deadly tumor (Clark RM). But in a lot of benign and cancerous breast conditions, abnormal findings can be seen on a thermogram.
Women who suffer from hormonal irregularities are potentially at risk of acquiring cancer. They also tend to show typical thermal signals. Fibrocystic changes are likely to manifest a uniform rise in vascularization, which can facilitate the differentiation between tumors and fibrocystic breast condition.
​Even today, the only way to diagnose breast cancer is through a biopsy with a pathology report. According to this author, a clinical exam plus Full Body Alpha-Regulation Thermography followed by MRI or ultrasound is the best and optimal diagnostic approach for breast screening at this time. Full Body Alpha-Regulation Thermography is able to identify changes in precancerous physiology up to eight to 10 years before mammography tests detect them, making the low-cost, non-invasive, and non-radiation procedure of FBART an ideal modality for prevention and early screening.
What is Full-Body Alfa Regulation Thermography?
As a diagnostic tool that applies the science of thermodynamics, Full-Body Alpha Regulation Thermography utilizes the physiologic reaction of the body when it is subjected to a cold stimulus to diagnose the health and functionality of the body’s tissues, glands, and organs. It works by measuring the temperature of certain parts of the surface of the body a couple of times. It first gauges temperature as a baseline and then gauges it again after the body parts in question are subjected to cold for 10 minutes.
Full-Body Alfa Regulation Thermography (FBART)
As a diagnostic tool that applies the science of thermodynamics, Full-Body Alfa Regulation Thermography (FBART) ” (FBART) utilizes the physiologic reaction of the body when it is subjected to a cold stimulus to diagnose the health and functionality of the body’s tissues, glands, and organs. It works by measuring temperature of certain parts of the surface of the body a couple of times. It first gauges temperature as a baseline then gauges it again after the body parts in question are subjected to cold for 10 minutes
The President of IMAT (International Medical Academy of Thermography) Germany, Petra Blum commented, “FBART has helped us get a different view of the attributes of disease development. This technology has facilitated knowledge regarding early metabolic and cellular dysfunction that plays a role in the rise of disruption that most likely result in disease. FBART made it possible for us to see what the body is doing prior to becoming dysfunctional to the point that it generates an irreversible problem”.
The Difference between Infrared Thermal Imaging and FBART
In style of diagnosis, infrared thermal imaging and FBART adopt very different approaches, even if both are based on thermodynamics.
In thermal imaging, the emission, transmission, and reflection of infrared energy by the body are quantified. This method makes it a bit difficult to come up with an accurate temperature. Thermal imaging may display a visual picture making it possible to compare temperatures over a large area. The method produces a static image of infrared radiation, and because of this may not be a viable tool to evaluate the regulatory capability of the body. FBART, on the other hand, can provide a precise measurement of temperature using a probe on the skin. Instead of an infra-red image, the output of CRT is a computerized graph. This method relies on a cold stimulus challenge with measurements taken on skin temperature prior to and after the cold stimulus. Since it entails the use of a cold stimulus challenge, FBART is able to measure the regulatory capability of targeted tissues, glands, and organs.
Infrared thermal imaging and FBART both are non-invasive diagnostic tools. The two have the ability to detect abnormal temperature anomalies.
The FBART Procedure
FBART uses measurement of the skin temperature twice at 119 different points on the skin. During the procedure, the patient initially doesn’t need to undress. He sits for 10 – 15 minutes in a room with a 20°C – 23° C while his/her body gets used to the temperature. The technician starts taking measurements by the gentle touch of a probe that measures temperature on certain points of the patient’s neck and face. The patient then is told to take out his/her clothes from the waist up, in order to measure temperature on the chest, arms, chest, lower, and upper stomach, breast, and back.
Afterwards, the patient is told to remove the rest of his/her clothing except the underwear and stand for 10 minutes in the cool room air with arms at their side. The temperature regulation process of the body is challenged by exposure to the cold. While still undressed, the 119 same points are again measured to finish the test.
The CRT 2000® is a new generation computerized diagnostic machine that can assess input data and based on the gathered data give a graphic illustration of the thermal measurements as well as an interpretation of the results. Its computer program also evaluates and prints out several different interpretive indices.
FBART thermography is simple and safe to use. No invasive procedures such as radioactive dyes, venous access, or ionizing radiation are used in this technology. The patient experiences absolutely no discomfort or harm during the examination phase that involves the use of a temperature probe to the body.
The difference between Infrared Breast Thermal Imaging and FBART...
In the style of diagnosis, Infrared Thermal Imaging and FBART adopt very different approaches, even if both are based on thermodynamics. In thermal imaging, the emission, transmission, and reflection of infrared energy by the body are quantified. This method makes it a bit difficult to come up with an accurate temperature. Thermal imaging may display a visual picture making it possible to compare temperatures over a large area. The method produces a static image of infrared radiation, and because of this may not be a viable tool to evaluate the regulatory capability of the body. FBART, on the other hand, can provide a precise measurement of temperature using a probe on the skin. Instead of an infra-red image, the output of FBART is a computerized graph. This method relies on a cold stimulus challenge with measurements taken on skin temperature prior to and after the cold stimulus. Since it entails the use of a cold stimulus challenge, FBART is able to measure the regulatory capability of targeted tissues, glands, and organs. Infrared thermal imaging and FBART are both non-invasive diagnostic tools. The two have the ability to detect abnormal temperature anomalies.
How to Prepare for Full-Body Alfa Regulation Thermography (FBART)?
Appropriate patient booking and prep before the testing is required in order to ensure compliance with the ACT Examination Prerequisites.​Health issues that affect the body’s temperature – either high or low – may affect the person’s normal thermal qualities hence, patients experiencing common colds, the flu, etc. should reschedule the test for a later time. Patients must adhere to the protocol set by ACT Examination in advance of the exam. These guidelines have been put in place to increase the precision of the exam by removing the different factors that could affect a patient’s thermal qualities.​Alcoholic drinks, tea, coffee or sodas that contain caffeine shouldn’t be ingested for 12 hours before the exam. Cold or hot drinks need to be refrained from for no less than 1 full hour prior to when an ACT Examination will be carried out. If at all possible, pain killers, aspirin, vasodilators/constrictors and/or any other comparable medicines need to be refrained from for 24 hours just before the examination. No smoking for 2 hours before an ACT Examination.​Do not schedule an ACT Exam within 2 weeks following sunburn exposure. Creams or lotions may not be put on face, neck or upper chest are for at least 24 hours just before the exam. Vigorous exercise routines that may affect circulation ought to be put off for 24 hours just before the exam. The best test results with Breast Thermography is achieved after ovulation till the menstruation.​Before your exam: You must wait at least 3 months after major breast surgery, completion of chemotherapy or radiation before a thermal exam. You must wait at least 1 month after biopsy or minor surgery. Avoid tanning or sunburn 1 week before the exam. 24 hours before the exam: Avoid exercise or physical stimulation, massage or chiropractic adjustments. Refrain from sauna, steam-room or hot/cold packs. No significant fevers. On the day of the exam: Do not share your underarms or use any skin creams, lotions or deodorants on the areas to be imaged. For 2 hours before the exam: Refrain from tobacco use, coffee or tea consumption. Refrain from exercise, bathing or showering. Avoid eating or chewing gum.
Unlike preparing for a infrared breast thermography you may take whole body thermography test any time of the day, AND your menstrual cycle is not a factor. - Do not drink or eat anything hot that day. - Do not do any extreme exercises up to 3 days before as it can affect inflammation.