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How Pain Neutralization Technique Can Help Eliminate Pain


Pain Neutralization Technique uses light pressure to eliminate chronic and acute pain through newly uncovered neurological reflexes. The technique was created by a Chiropractic Doctor in Colorado, Dr. Kaufman. For patients who are nervous about the use of acupuncture needles, or for children who may have had some difficult experiences with the medical profession, PNT provides an option that should be considered.

How Does Pain Neutralization Technique (PNT) It Work?

All muscles in the body have opposing muscles (Flexion and Extension). When one muscle contracts its opposing muscle must relax to facilitate this contraction e.g. triceps (back of the upper arm) contracts when raising a dumbbell above the head and at the same time the biceps relax.

Through a built-in reflex mechanism when one muscle contracts your nervous system automatically sends a signal to the opposing muscle (the bicep muscle in this case) initiating a relaxation of that muscle. When you are in pain or have trigger points, the muscles are in a state of contraction and unable to relax. With the P.N.T. technique we cause a trigger point to relax by stimulating the tendon of an opposing muscle while at the same time applying light pressure to the painful area.

Once we find the correct reflex for a trigger point, within seconds, the point will no longer be painful when pressed. Often the patient’s symptoms associated with that trigger point will clear up as well. Sometimes symptoms improve immediately often they resolve over several treatments.

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